Using our vast network of dealers and advanced pricing algorithm, we will work out the perfect solution to meet your needs.
Selling your car can be confusing and with an oversaturated market of car buying companies it can be difficult to find the way. We strive to make selling your car as easy as possible without the countless and intrusive sales calls. This is a one stop shop to finding out what is the best way to sell your car. We will walk you through the process and provide as much help as you need.
This process has been crafted by some of the best minds in the car industry of the last 10 years, with members from the top 3 online car buying companies across australia. Our process is designed to be as convenient as possible and get you exactly what you want with zero compromise. We want to provide you with all the options and let you pick the one that works best for you and we can guarantee, you will have what you want, when you want it.
You decide how much you want and when you want it.
Using our vast network of dealers and advanced pricing algorithm, we will work out the perfect solution to meet your needs.
The sale will be handled for you and can be complete within 24hrs with free collection from your house.
The venders we use pay a small fee to buy your car, so for you, its free
If you have ever tried to sell your car to a company before, you will be familiar with the countless “instant offer” advertisements and once you fill in your personal information. You receive a thankyou message “someone will be in touch”. You will then be bombarded with calls and texts until you give up and answer the phone to receive a low offer that you cannot accept.
With us, simply fill out the information we need and we will do the rest. We will use our extensive knowledge and data to work out what your car is worth to who and put you in touch with the right person.
We take everything into consideration and use our network to find a solution to your needs. Whether it’s selling today because you’re moving tomorrow and your private buyer just disappeared or you have a new car arriving in a few weeks and you still need to keep the car in the meantime but want a deal sorted beforehand. We have you covered. So don’t wait.
Whenever you like and totally free, you’re going to be Motorly happy!
Tell us about what you want and need from the sale of your car. Then enter your rego or input your car details manually
Once we have all the information we need we will let you know what the best option is for you and get the ball rolling
We will take care of everything from start to finish and make sure you are happy every step of the way. Now you should be Motorly and utterly happy / now you should be Motorly sorted!
See what our satisfied clients have to say about their experience with Buy Carz.
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Selling your car can be confusing and with an oversaturated market of car buying companies it can be difficult to find the way. We strive to make selling your car as easy as possible without the countless and intrusive sales calls. This is a one stop shop to finding out what is the best way to sell your car.